ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

Trifocal system for high-quality inter-camera mapping and virtual view synthesis

By Florian Seitner, Matej Nezveda, Margrit Gelautz, Georg Braun, Christian Kapeller, Werner Zellinger, and Bernhard Moser


We present an innovative L-shaped trifocal system involving a high-end main camera with a compact assistant stereo rig attached to it. The system can accurately reconstruct dense disparity information which enables the creation and processing of high-quality 3D film content based on virtual view synthesis. In particular, our system provides compactness and increased flexibility in the spatial camera arrangement, improving upon previous approaches which have focused on linear camera arrays. We provide technical details on our whole workflow, ranging from the hardware design to the key algorithms including rectification, disparity computation and virtual view synthesis based on inter-camera mapping. A subjective evaluation based on a user study demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach in terms of quality of the 3D viewing experience.


F. Seitner, M. Nezveda, M. Gelautz, G. Braun, C. Kapeller, W. Zellinger, B. Moser: "Trifocal system for high-quality inter-camera mapping and virtual view synthesis"; Talk: International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D), Liège, Belgium; 12-14-2015 - 12-15-2015; in: "2015 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D)", (2015), 1 - 8.


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