ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien


Courses and lectures held by members of the group. Click the “Details” link to go to
the TISS page for a particular course. TISS provides all course information, including
downloadable course material and relevant links to the TUWEL e-learning platform.


188.468 VO Visual Analysis of Human Motion The goal of this course is to make the students acquainted with state-of-the-art methods of the analysis, interpretation and visualization of human… by D. Schörkhuber, M. Gelautz Details

Lectures with Lab Classes

188.499 VU Media and Brain 2 Artificial Consciousness New model lecture on media perception and media reception emphasizing the cybernetic neural processes involved. We aim at establishing a link between… by H. Eidenberger Details

Lab Classes

188.469 UE Visual Analysis of Human Motion To goal of this lab exercise is to provide more insights and/or hands-on experience with selected algorithms for the analysis, interpretation and… by D. Schörkhuber, M. Gelautz Details


188.179 SE PhD Seminar To improve skills in scientific working and presentation at an advanced level. by M. Gelautz Details
188.941 SE Seminar in Computer Vision To get acquainted with scientific literature and methodology. by M. Gelautz Details
188.942 SE Seminar on Image and Video Analysis and Synthesis To get acquainted with scientific literature and methodology. by M. Gelautz Details


188.456 PR Virtual and Augmented Reality: Advanced Topics Gaining deeper insight into advanced topics of Virtual and Augmented Reality based on the basic course "Virtual and Augmented Reality" from winter… by H. Eidenberger, P. Kán, H. Kaufmann, Francesco De Pace, Hugo Brument Details