Courses and lectures held by members of the group.
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e-learning platform.
188.468 | VO Visual Analysis of Human Motion The goal of this course is to make the students acquainted with state-of-the-art methods of the analysis, interpretation and visualization of human… | by D. Schörkhuber, M. Gelautz | Details |
Lectures with Lab Classes
188.499 | VU Media and Brain 2 Artificial Consciousness New model lecture on media perception and media reception emphasizing the cybernetic neural processes involved. We aim at establishing a link between… | by H. Eidenberger | Details |
Lab Classes
188.469 | UE Visual Analysis of Human Motion To goal of this lab exercise is to provide more insights and/or hands-on experience with selected algorithms for the analysis, interpretation and… | by D. Schörkhuber, M. Gelautz | Details |
188.179 | SE PhD Seminar To improve skills in scientific working and presentation at an advanced level. | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.941 | SE Seminar in Computer Vision To get acquainted with scientific literature and methodology. | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.942 | SE Seminar on Image and Video Analysis and Synthesis To get acquainted with scientific literature and methodology. | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.456 | PR Virtual and Augmented Reality: Advanced Topics Gaining deeper insight into advanced topics of Virtual and Augmented Reality based on the basic course "Virtual and Augmented Reality" from winter… | by H. Eidenberger, P. Kán, H. Kaufmann, Francesco De Pace, Hugo Brument | Details |