ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

A Stereo Approach that Handles the Matting Problem via Image Warping

By Michael Bleyer, Margrit Gelautz, Carsten Rother, and Christoph Rhemann


We propose an algorithm that simultaneously extracts disparities and alpha matting information given a stereo image pair. Our method divides the reference image into a set of overlapping, partially transparent color segments. Each segment pixel is assigned an alpha value and color. The disparity inside the segment is modeled via a plane. The goodness of alphas, colors and disparity planes is measured by a new energy function. Its basic idea is to use the three parameters for generating artificial views representing the left and right images. If alphas, colors and disparity planes are correct, these artificial images should be very similar to the real ones. For generating the artificial right view, we warp all pixels of the left into the geometry of the right image using the disparity planes. We introduce the assumption of constant solidity in order to correctly model how pixels' alpha values are affected by the warping operation. Experimental results on the Middlebury set show that our algorithm gives good results in comparison to the state-of-the-art in stereo matching.


M. Bleyer, M. Gelautz, C. Rother, C. Rhemann: "A Stereo Approach that Handles the Matting Problem via Image Warping"; Talk: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR '09, Miami, Florida, USA; 06-20-2009 - 06-25-2009; in: "Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009", (2009), 8 pages.

Additional Information

Presentation slides are available for download as PDF.


Stereomatting pdf 5.05 MB PDF document Download


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