ATTENTION: This is a web archive! The IMS Group was split up in 2018 and does not exist anymore. Recent work of former members can be found at the VR/AR Group and the Computer Vision Group.

Interactive Media Systems, TU Wien

The Inverse Warp: Non-Invasive Integration of Shear-Warp Volume Rendering into Polygon Rendering Pipelines

By Stefan Bruckner, Dieter Schmalstieg, Helwig Hauser, and Eduard Gröller


In this paper, a simple and efficient solution for combining shear-warp volume rendering and the hardware graphics pipeline is presented. The approach applies an inverse warp transformation to the Z-Buffer, containing the rendered geometry. This information is used for correctly combining geometry and volume data during compositing. We present applications of this concept which include hybrid volume rendering, i.e., concurrent rendering of polygonal objects and volume data, and volume clipping on convex clipping regions. Furthermore, it can be used to efficiently define regions with different rendering modes and transfer functions for focus+ context volume rendering. Empirical results show that the approach has minimal impact on performance.


St. Bruckner, D. Schmalstieg, H. Hauser, E. Gröller: "The Inverse Warp: Non-Invasive Integration of Shear-Warp Volume Rendering into Polygon Rendering Pipelines"; in: "Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization", T. Ertl, B. Girod, G. Greiner, H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, E. Steinbach, R. Westermann (ed.); infix, 2003, ISBN: 3898380483, 665 - 666.


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