Courses and lectures held by members of the group.
Click the “Details” link to go to
the TISS page for a particular course. TISS provides all
course information, including
downloadable course material and relevant links to the TUWEL
e-learning platform.
The following courses took place last semester. Please note that this list is provided
for reference only, and that any course-related information is outdated by now.
188.329 | VO Video Analysis The goal of this course is to make the students acquainted with selected research topics in the field of video analysis and related applications. The… | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.369 | VO Virtual and Augmented Reality Introductory Meeting (VO + UE) on 1.10.2018 at 10:00 until approx. 10:45 in Zemanek HS! Right after the introductory meeting, the course will start.… | by H. Kaufmann | Details |
Lectures with Lab Classes
188.470 | VU Creative Media Production In this course, students will learn how to script, direct and produce short video productions in non-interactive media. Within the first weeks of… | by K. Laudisi, H. Kaufmann | Details |
188.501 | VU Similarity Modeling 1 - Computational Seeing and Hearing Computational media understanding with deep learning, classic machine intelligence and clustering. | by H. Eidenberger | Details |
Lab Classes
188.346 | UE Video Analysis The goal of the course is to provide hands-on experience with selected algorithms in the field of video analysis. | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.913 | UE Virtual and Augmented Reality Based on three smaller assignments the understanding of object tracking, virtual reality environments, 3D interaction and networking in distributed… | by P. Kán, S. Dini-Mortezapoor, H. Kaufmann, Hugo Brument | Details |
188.179 | SE PhD Seminar To improve skills in scientific working and presentation at an advanced level. | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.941 | SE Seminar in Computer Vision To get acquainted with scientific literature and methodology. | by M. Gelautz | Details |
188.942 | SE Seminar on Image and Video Analysis and Synthesis To get acquainted with scientific literature and methodology. | by M. Gelautz | Details |